Are Noise-Canceling Headphones Contributing to Hearing Issues Among Young Adults?

Sophie from London experiences anxiety in loud environments unless she wears her headphones for noise cancellation. She struggles with recognizing voices or alerts due to the overwhelming background noises, which often include the echo of beeping tills in supermarkets and hissing coffee machines.

A 25-year-old administration assistant, Sophie was initially diagnosed as not listening well and being “a bit ditsy.” However, after a hearing test came back normal, she met with a private audiologist who eventually diagnosed her with auditory processing disorder (APD). APD is a neurological condition that makes it difficult for the brain to process information from both ears.

Sophie feels excited about starting treatment in the next few months and hopes to be able to handle busier places better. She wears headphones for noise cancellation, which helps her feel more comfortable in loud environments.

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