Nine Unexpected Insights into Indian Americans’ Lived Experiences

The article provides a comprehensive overview of illegal migration from India to the United States. It highlights several key points:

* Illegal migration from India has been rising steadily over the past decade, with around 160,000 unauthorized immigrants living in the country.
* Most Indian migrants are young and male, with Punjab and Gujarat being top origin states for unauthorised Indians.
* The main reasons for illegal migration include economic opportunities, family reunification, and political instability back home.
* Punjabi-speaking individuals dominate asylum claims from India to the US. These individuals have filed around 65% of all Indian asylum cases since FY2001-2023.
* Most Indians who seek asylum are not persecuted in their home countries but rather migrate for economic reasons and try to “game” the system by making frivolous claims.

Overall, illegal migration from India to the US is a complex issue driven by various factors such as political instability, economic opportunities, family reunification and human rights. The article provides valuable insights into this phenomenon.

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